CercleS News – 25 May 2022

26 mai 2022

Dear friends, dear colleagues,

Please take note of the following online meetings and talks coming up in the next few weeks:

CercleS Online Talks: 1 June 2022
On 1 June from 16:00-17:30 CET we will dedicate our CercleS Online Talks  to the DIAL4U Project: Digital Pedagogy to Develop Autonomy, Mediate and Certify Lifewide and Lifelong Language Learning for (European) Universities.
More information about the project is available here. The webinar will be via Zoom.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/2015504512?pwd=YU81VnMvYzNnMTZSU0NzcFBiTlp4dz09
Meeting ID: 201 550 4512 |  Passcode: 907877

According to our CercleS policy, the webinar will be recorded. Participation in the webinar is therefore seen as consent.

Leadership Meetups
There will not be a Leadership Meetup (aimed specifically at Language Centre managers) in May. The last meetup before the summer break will be on 20 June at 17:00-18:00 via Zoom (open topic). The leadership meetups are not recorded.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91393641300?pwd=MUFBMDFZVVZXa0ZnVDFHbjArd202QT09 
Meeting ID: 913 9364 1300  |  Passcode: 979586


Other events

Masaryk University Summer Schools for University Staff 2022

The Masaryk University Language Centre is offering the following Summer Schools for university staff in July 2022.

  1. English Skills for Higher Education Staff (11-15 July)
  2. Creativity in Teaching (11-15 July)
  3. EMI: English Mediated Instruction (18-22 July)

More details available here.

13. Internationale Fortbildungsseminar “Innovative Technologien der Hochschulbildung für Russisch als Fremdsprache in einer Fremdsprachigen Umgebung”

Wir laden Sie ein, am 13. Internationalen Seminar für die berufliche Weiterbildung in der Slawistik “Innovative Technologien der Hochschulbildung im fremdsprachlichen Umfeld” teilzunehmen. Das Seminar findet vom 21. bis 23. September 2022 an der Fachhochschule des BFI Wien (Österreich, 1020 Wien, Wohlmutstraße 22) statt.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Call for Papers: European Journal of Language Policy/Revue européenne de politique linguistique
Please see the call for papers for the European Journal of Language Policy/Revue européenne de politique linguistique on the topic Multiliteracies and adult language learners. Authors can submit papers (until January 2023) in English, Spanish or French.

More information is available here.



Offer of honorary membership to colleagues from Ukrainian universities

As a practical show of our support, CercleS is offering honorary membership to Ukrainian colleagues at university language centres and language deparments for the remainder of 2022. We have already met with several staff members, and are reaching out to more institutions.

Webinar about Ukrainian language teaching
Staff from one of the universities we reached out to, the School of Ukrainian Language and Culture, Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, indicated that they would be happy to present a webinar for CercleS members on 21 June at 16:00-17:30 CET on the topic of the Ukrainian language and issues around teaching Ukrainian. Details will be made available on our website (in the news section) soon.


Conference news

CercleS Conference 2022 early bird registration
We would like to remind you of the early bird registration for the CercleS Conference until 30 May 2020. The early bird fee is 50€ cheaper than the regular fee. More details about registration fees and dates are available on the conference website or see the relevant news item – which contains links and information – on our website.

Scholarships available for CercleS Conference 2022 participation
There are scholarships available for students, researchers or teachers from CercleS member institutes who would like to participate in the CercleS Conference.

  1. Students: 3rd cycle (postgraduate studies)
  2. Researchers: up to 10 years’ professional experience
  3. Academic Teachers: up to 10 years’ teaching experience

Please see our website’s member area → Documents and agreements → Scholarships for more details and the application form.

With best wishes,
Your Executive Committee

Last update

26 mai 2022, 15:42