Foundation Module
Foundation Module 2021
Attività di recupero delle competenze linguistiche
Prova Finale Progress Test Pre-corsi di Lingua Inglese
Care Studentesse, cari Studenti,
al termine percorso linguistico previsto nell’ambito dei Pre-Corsi vi informiamo che potrete svolgere il Progress Test finale lunedì 25 ottobre 2021 dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 16.00.
Informazioni dettagliate in allegato.
Welcome Meeting: ore 11.00 Tipologia A:
Si informano le studentesse e gli studenti iscritti al pre-corso di Lingua Inglese che mercoledì 8 settembre 2021 dalle ore 11.00 alle 13.00 si terrà il Placement Test relativo al suddetto pre-corso.
Al Placement Test potranno partecipare gli studenti e le studentesse iscritti al I anno accademico e che hanno compilato la domanda di partecipazione al pre-corso. L’iscrizione al Placement Test sarà attiva giorno 8 settembre collegandosi alla pagina, chiave d’esame: UGhBt1. Gli studenti dovranno inserire i campi: Nome, Cognome, Email, Corso di Laurea (al campo ‘Classe’) e Codice Fiscale o, se già in possesso, matricola (al campo ‘ID Studente’).
N.B.: questo Placement test è rivolto esclusivamente a studenti del I anno che si sono iscritti al pre-corso di Lingua Inglese.
Si precisa, inoltre, che chi non sosterrà il Placement Test non potrà seguire le attività relative al pre-corso. Di seguito una breve guida sull’importanza del Placement test e del Welcome Meeting:
Il Placement Test (PT) verrà realizzato in maniera telematica. Il PT dura 45 minuti ma è stata prevista una fascia oraria di due ore per dare più flessibilità.
Per eventuali problemi, esclusivamente di carattere tecnico nell’accesso alla piattaforma, è possibile inviare un’email al seguente indirizzo:
Perché vi è un PT? Perché vogliamo che voi diventiate consapevoli delle vostre competenze linguistiche in entrata. Questo aiuterà anche noi a programmare le attività per tutti voi in modo più accurato.
Il PT sarà difficile? Non necessariamente. Dipende dalle vostre conoscenze di base. Comunque, si orienta intorno al livello B1.
Potrò farmi aiutare? Siamo consapevoli che svolgendo il test a distanza, questo potrebbe succedere. Tuttavia, ci appelliamo alla vostra maturità e sensibilità di studenti che si affacciano al mondo accademico, e lo sconsigliamo vivamente. Perderebbe il suo significato (dare a voi e a noi la possibilità di capire quali sono le vostre conoscenze di base) e la sua forza di “sfida personale” (io misuro le mie conoscenze e divento consapevole di cosa dovrò approfondire/migliorare). Confidiamo, quindi, nella vostra lealtà e maturità.
E’ divertente, quindi, sostenere un PT? Noi pensiamo di sì. E’ un po’ come scoprire una parte delle vostre conoscenze, quindi una parte di voi stessi.
A PT completato verrete suddivisi nei gruppi sulla base del livello di competenza dimostrato.
Vi daremo successive informazioni sull’inizio dei laboratori tramite un avviso sul sito del CLA, sezione ‘Servizi → Offerta Linguistica di Ateneo -->> Foundation Module’ (
Cos’è il Welcome Meeting? Al termine del placement test dovrai partecipare al welcome Meeting. E’ un incontro importante poiché ti renderà consapevole del percorso di studio che andrai ad intraprendere. L’incontro sarà con il personale del CLA e sarà mirato alla presentazione del Centro Linguistico, delle attività che svolge, del materiale di Studio in Autonomia e dei percorsi di studio da attuare, attraverso le risorse online del CLA. L'incontrò si terrà giorno 15 settembre. Il link per accedere sarà disponibile a breve su questa pagina.
Il Centro Linguistico di Ateneo vi accoglie con piacere!!!
Contents will refer to the following academic sectors, accordingly to the typology of students: Social Sciences, Science, Engineering, Humanities.
Communicative Functions
Greeting people
Introducing people
Giving/asking for personal information
Giving/asking for information regarding one’s studies
Describing daily routines
Talking about likes and dislikes, hobbies, interests
Talking about current activities
Talking about past experiences
Expressing opinions on general topics using basic language structures
Describing and comparing cities, universities, courses
Academic Skills
Basic strategies related to the following skills which will be the focus of the OLA B1 English for basic academic issues course
Using a monolingual dictionary;
Understanding the overall content of graphs;
Taking simple notes during lessons and writing basic content words;
Reading skills: understanding the global content of a text from title and headings, finding and understanding the main idea of a text;
Listening skills: understanding the global content of a conversation, understanding the main points of a simple oral text concerning one’s field of study;
Writing skills: writing short and simple texts or messages related to general/academic issues (e.g., courses, study abroad, organizing studies).
- Language Focus
Present simple Question forms
Wh-questions Present continuous
Present continuous for future
Past simple- regular and irregular verbs
Future forms
V +ing/infinitive Present perfect
Past Continuous
Modal verbs – can, could, would, should, will, must (have to) Conditionals: Zero, 1st
Frequency adverbs
Countable and uncountable nouns Some and any
A lot of, much, many Relative pronouns Adjectives and adverbs
Comparatives and superlatives Prepositions of place and time Linkers (e.g.: and, but, so, because)
The lexicon that will be presented in class will be linked to content-oriented topics and will reflect basic technical terminology.
Autonomous Learning
Students will be introduced to basic strategies which will encourage their autonomous learning. This will have the objective of guiding them towards the ability of studying on their own. Self-study activities will be offered on the CLA website, where material is provided to help develop linguistic skills through interactive programs, videos on current cultural issues, and music videos. Students can visit the CLA website (self-study area) to discover the material which has been selected for learners interested in improving their language knowledge autonomously.
Students should become aware of the CEFR descriptors and levels and should be guided towards the achievement of the B1 Level, which will be the focus of the institutional courses. Details about the descriptors (Council of Europe 2001) for A2 and B1 are given in part 3:
General language (synthetic) descriptors
A2 | Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in
areas of immediate need. |
B1 | Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for
opinions and plans. |
General language (detailed) descriptors
A2 | Uses basic sentence | Uses some | Can make | Can answer | Can link groups |
patterns with | simple structures | him/herself | questions and | of words with | |
memorised phrases, | correctly, but still | understood in | respond to simple | simple | |
groups of a few | systematically | very short | statements. Can | connectors like | |
words and formulae | makes basic | utterances, even | indicate when he/she | "and, "but" and | |
in order to commu- | mistakes. | though pauses, | is following but is | "because". | |
nicate limited | false starts and | rarely able to | |||
information in simple | reformulation are | understand enough | |||
everyday situations. | very evident. | to keep conversation | |||
going of his/her own | |||||
accord. | |||||
B1 | Has enough language | Uses reasonably | Can keep going | Can initiate, | Can link a series |
to get by, with | accurately a | comprehensibly, | maintain and close | of shorter, | |
sufficient vocabulary | repertoire of | even though | simple face-to-face | discrete simple | |
to express him/herself | frequently used | pausing for | conversation on | elements into a | |
with some hesitation | "routines" and | grammatical and | topics that are | connected, linear | |
and circumlocutions | patterns asso- | lexical planning | familiar or of | sequence of | |
on topics such as | ciated with more | and repair is very | personal interest. | points. | |
family, hobbies and | predictable | evident, | Can repeat back part | ||
interests, work, travel, | situations. | especially in | of what someone has | ||
and current events. | longer stretches | said to confirm | |||
of free | mutual | ||||
production. | understanding. |
Academic language (synthetic) descriptors
Note: For the detailed descriptors, please, refer to the European Portfolio University of Calabria (2003- validation code 43)
A2 | B1 | ||
C O M P R E H E N S I O N |
L i s t e n i n g | Can understand the global content of a conversation taki place in the classroom or during group work. I can understand the main points of
short and simple messages concerning my field of study |
Can understand the main points and identify detailed information in a speech related to a specific context. |
R e a d i n g | Can understand the global content of a specialised text from the title and the headings and I can check my prediction through reading. I can understand the content of a short and simple narrative text. | Can understand the global message of in a specific text and identify the typical textual structure. I can understand the meaning of unknown words using a monolingual dictionary. | |
S P E A K I N G |
O r a l
I n t e r a c t i o n |
Can answer questions
related to specialised texts by using simple expressions. I ca interact on simple topics during the lesson or group work. |
Can formulate appropriate questions and answers on topics related to the lessons. |
O r a l
P r o d u c t i o n |
Can describe my academic or working experience
using simple expressions. |
Can describe the topic of the lesson using simple and coherent sentences. I can express
opinions regarding the topic of the lesson. |
W R I T I N G | W r i t t e n
p r o d u c t i o n |
Can take simple
notes during the lesson. I can write a short and simple message (e.g.: memo, fax, e- mail). |
Can take notes of the most relevant information of an oral or written communication and I can write a simple text according to a given model (e.g.: CV). |
CLA-OLA Foundation Module Level Test B1 level (CEFR, Council of Europe 2001, updated 2018)
Students’ progress will be measured through a computer-based Progress Test, at the end of the Foundation module. The Progress Test will be made up by a:
- Listening Task;
- Reading Task;
- Guided writing Task
- Language Focus Task.
Orario: Le esercitazioni si terranno dal lunedì a venerdì dalle ore 11.00 alle ore 13.00
Codici Teams: INIZIO ATTIVITA’ LINGUISTICHE SU MICROSOFT TEAMS – 16 SETTEMBRE 2021. I codici saranno resi noti in occasione del Welcome Meeting.
Last update
19 October 2021, 15:56