Upcoming CercleS activities and calls for papers & action
27 January 2022
Below, please find information regarding upcoming events (leadership meeting and an online talk), a call for papers (for the LLHE special issue and the CercleS conference in Porto), a call for videos for our 30th anniversary celebration, feedback from an ECML colloquium, and a reminder of the links where you can reigster for the new website.
30th anniversary: Call for videos
On behalf of the CercleS Anniversary working group, we would like to ask you to find recordings, videos of past or recent activities of your association or focus group, and send (a) the link to the video or (b) the video by email (if it is too big to be sent, please use some transfer service, e.g. WeTransfer https://wetransfer.com/) to the address of the General Secretariat: generalsecretariat@cercles.org.
It can be a video of any activity, e.g. workshops, seminars, webinars, classes, projects, meetings, conferences, networking sessions – formally recorded and produced for the purposes of an LC or association promotion, or informally recorded and used for the purposes of memory only. All videos are welcome, both from face-to-face and online activities, however, if you found any that are linked to international activities, it would be ideal. Also, if you decide to record a new video, it would be great as well.
Deadline: 28 February 2022
Call for papers for LLHE special issue
Papers are being sought for the LLHE Special Issue 12.2 2022 on Sustainability literacy in language learning and teaching.
For thematic areas, technical guidelines and further information, please visit the NEWS section on the CercleS website (https://cercles.org/2022/01/09/call-for-papers-for-the-llhe-special-issue-12-2-2022-2/).
Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2022
Call for papers for CercleS conference (Porto)
The call for papers for the CercleS conference that will take place in Porto, Portugal in September 2022. For more information about the topics and guidelines, please see:
Deadline for submissions: 11 February 2022
Report on ECML colloquium
CercleS as a partner of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe was invited to the colloquium entitled “The future of language education in the light of Covid – lessons learned and ways forward” held on 14th December 2021 and the ECML Professional Network Forum (PNF) meeting held on 15th December 2021. For a brief report on the outcomes of these meetings, please see: https://cercles.org/2022/01/09/report-from-ecml-colloquium/.
Register for the new CercleS website (cercles.org)
Please remember to register on the website, so that you can access the members’ area, which contains information accessible only to members, a forum where you can post job advertisements and other discussion topics, and access to our journal, Language Learning in Higher Education.
Managers of Language Centres should use this link to register their institution: https://cercles.org/registration/?lid=1
After institutional registration is completed, please share this link with your staff so that they can create their own profiles: https://cercles.org/registration/. If they register, they will not need to use your login details to access the members’ area of the website, but can do so on their own.We wish you a good and productive week.
Your Executive Committee
Last update
14 February 2022, 16:31