CercleS news and deadlines extended

27 Gennaio 2022

Deadlines for CercleS conference and LLHE submissions extended

Both the deadlines for submission for papers for the CercleS conference and the deadline for submission of papers for the LLHE special issue have been extended to 13 March. We invite your contributions for both these CercleS fora.

Deadline for website registration

As from 1 March, the General Secretariat will no longer communicate information to members via email. Instead, we will send information using the “newsletter” function of our new website. In order to receive these communications, and to access the website area specifically reserved for members (and not accessible without login), please register for the website by 28 February.

Heads of Language Centres should please register their institution using this link (https://cercles.org/registration/?lid=1). We will approve your registration and you will get a confirmation message.

Thereafter, staff members of the institution should register using this link (https://cercles.org/registration/).

Anniversary logo and email signature banner

For the 30th anniversary, we will be using a special logo with a slogan (submitted by Radboud in’to Languages) and an email signature banner. Any member who wishes to use these on their websites or documents or email may download them here.

Honorary members

As part of the 30th anniversary celebrations, we asked members to nominate candidates for honorary membership of CercleS. We congratulate the three members who have been selected as the first ever honorary members. See more information here.

Your Executive Committee

Ultimo aggiornamento

14 Febbraio 2022, 16:32